VIP gala večeře pro HRG ve Velkopřevorském paláci

V překrásných prostorách Velkopřevorského paláce jsme uspořádali tuto překrásnou gala večeři a následnou garden party. Tento krásný feedback a poděkování nám zaslala naše klientka.. „Hi Jan, I would like to thank you for the outstanding job you and your team did for my VIP event. I have received lots of great feedback from my customers. The event was extremely well received by our important customers and many told me what a lovely location and event this was. It has been a pleasure working with such an inspiring and professional team, all your suggestions on many different details made it unforgettable. Thank you and looking forward to working together again on future events.”

HRG Meetings, Groups & Events – Gabriella Rondelli-Giani, Marcom Senior Project Manager